Date Published: 19-03-2020
I like to think that S4 has created a great corporate culture and work experience for staff.
I would classify our staff turnover as low compared to industry norms, however like all companies we do have staff resigning from time to time looking for ‘greener pastures’.
Why do employees leave if we have such a great company and culture? I think in many cases the root cause lies in the fact that a large component of our employees join S4 straight from university; and this is their first experience in the working world. And in many cases it does not meet their perceived expectation.
We will never stop someone from finding their dream job; and therefore wish them all the best on their new venture. I guess this differs from the manner in which some other companies tend to operate.
Now this is where things get interesting. Over time we are finding a growing trend of ex-employees asking for their old jobs back. I know of many companies that would not entertain this idea in the least. Do we? Absolutely… in most cases.
In fact in almost every staff meeting we hold we welcome one or more employees back. This month it will be 3. In most cases; it is only a few months since they departed.
The reason we do it? Well, firstly we know what we are getting in terms of skill and experience. We also find that once our employees have experienced the ‘greener pastures’; they appreciate what we have to offer even more. They help us to build a better company and culture through increased positivity and motivation. And best of all; once they come back we know they are likely here for good.
Almost every staff meeting we hold we welcome one or more employees back
Andrew White
This is our way of knowing that we are doing something right!