Amidst Covid fears, S4 still to provide key services

Date Published: 27-03-2020

The fears and dangers surrounding COVID-19 are justified and we are committed to mitigating the effects of this pandemic as much as we can. While this virus has the potential to wreak havoc on our local economy we must stand together and use this opportunity as a means to plan for our future.

The nation has gone into lockdown and with that we are unable to currently fulfill our manufacturing duty. As a company this has provided many setbacks to us but we have introduced measures to ensure consistent service delivery in our other service offerings. We have equipped our staff members with facilities that allow them to work remotely in most circumstances. We are available to plan and design all of your proposed manufacturing projects and simulate the runtime environment in preparation for the demand increase after lockdown has been lifted.

We are committed to mitigating the effects of this pandemic as much as we can.

While the lockdown is going to introduce considerable financial strain on our industry it needs to be noted that this is not the time to sit back, but instead put in the hours now to remain ahead once everything returns to normal. It is imperative to use this time to plan efficiently and effectively in order to grow during this time.

Services still available

We are a robust and dynamic company that is still able to provide services in the following ways:

We conduct all client correspondence through email, phone calls and video conferences in order to abide by the lockdown and protect our customers and staff from contracting the virus.

Our company will remain on the cutting edge of technology to ensure the highest quality service delivery to all of our clients.

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